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NESS2024 | Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference

Student assistants

Call for Applications:
Conference Assistants

Åbo Akademi University and the University of Turku are looking for student assistants to assist with conference arrangements during the 16th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS): Co-producing knowledge for sustainability. Conference assistants will assist conference participants with conference registration, conference rooms and ICT in the conference rooms, and give general guidance during coffee breaks and lunches. Assistants are needed during the entire conference (Tue-Thu) 4.-6.6.2024. Attendance in a preparatory meeting one day before the conference (Monday 3.6.) is mandatory. Previous experience is not required. The language of the conference is English; thus, fluency in Swedish/Finnish is not required. Students of all fields are encouraged to apply.

Benefits: Free of charge participation in the workshops and keynote sessions, an opportunity to meet and network with prominent scholars from all around Europe, free meals and coffees during the conference.

All assistants will receive a work certificate. If you want to include this in your studies, be in contact with your teacher for further information.

Send your application and CV by 15.4.2024 to

Briefly tell us about yourself in the application: what you are studying, what stage your studies are in, and any previous experience you have with organizing events. Please indicate in your application if you are able to assist in the organization of the conference before the event dates. The decision on assistants (about 30 people) will be made in April. If you live elsewhere and are considering participating in the conference organized in Turku as an assistant, you can apply for a travel allowance. Mention this in your application and give an estimate of your expected travel costs. Decisions on granting travel allowances are made on a case-by-case basis. More detailed instructions and information on applying for travel allowances will be given to the selected assistants later.

Applications can be written in Swedish, Finnish or in English.

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